You will need:
Gum paste tinted in desired color
Pre-made Rose Bases
Rose Cutter Set
Practice Board
Cutting mat
9in. rolling pin
White vegetable shortening
Ball tool
Thin and thick shapping foam
Gum glue adhesive
Uncooked spaghetti
Dusting poach
Styrofoam cup
To make the rose:
- Spread thin film of shortening of the mat.
- Roll out gum paste paper thin (you should be able to read through it).
- Use largest Blossom Cutter to cut 3 blossom shapes.
- Place 2 blossoms under practice board flap while you work on the remaining blossom.
- Use spatula to cut a 1/2 in slit between each petal toward center of blossom.
- Dust 'thin foam' with 'dusting pouch'.
- Place blossom on thin foam.
- Hold 'ball tool' like a pencil and position it on foam, just touching edge of the gum paste.
- Slide ball tool around petal, keeping it mostly on the foam to "outline" and thin petal edge.
- The ball tool should only touch the edge of petals.
- Dust 'Thick Foam' with dusting pouch.
- Move blossom to thick foam.
- Cup center by lightly pressing in center of blossom with ball tool.
- Use prepared gum paste 'Rose Base'.
- Brush the center of blossom with gum glue adhesive.
- Insert spaghetti into center of blossom and thread up to the bottom of rose base.
- Visualize the 5-petal blossom as a stick figure, with the petals corresponding to the "head", "arms" and "legs".
- Brush the "head" petal with gum glue adhesive and wrap around rose base.
- Brush one "arm" and the opposite "leg" about halfway up with gum glue adhesive and attach to cover center wrap.
- Repeat with last 2 petals, centering them over seams of previous 2 petals.
- This is Rosebud.
- Prepare next blossom as you did for the Rosebud.
- Move blossom to thick foam.
- Using ball tool, press 2 "arms" petals to cup.
- Turn blossom over and cup the "head" and 2 "legs" petals.
- Flip the blossom back over, cup the center.
- Brush center of blossom with gum glue adhesive and thread onto spaghetti.
- Brush 2 "arm" petals with gum glue adhesive about halfway up the attach, centering them over seams of 2 petals of the previous row.
- Brush remaining petals with gum glue adhesive about halfway up and attach, spacing them evenly around flower.
Note: use a toothpick to punch a hold in a styrofoam cup and thread the spaghetti with the rose through the hole. This way the cup will support the petals while you working on the next blossom.

- Prepare the next blossom as you did for the first two layers.
- Move blossom to thick foam.
- Use ball tool to cup all petals.
- Turn over blossom and cup the center.

- Brush center and halfway up the petals with gum glue adhesive.
- Thread spaghetti through center of blossom.
- Invert the rose and let petals fall into place naturally.
- Gently press petals against base to attach.
To make the rose calyx:
- Spread thin film of shortening on the mat.
- Roll out green gum paste less than 1/16 in. think.
- Cut with Rose Calyx Cutter.
- Brush calyx with gum glue adhesive.
- Thread spaghetti through center of calyx.
- Gently press calyx up against sides to attach.
- Set aside to dry.
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